After careful vote counting, Rinehart declared victor!
Dead Dog
After a hard few days, the Rinehart campaign suffers another bad omen. Representative Rinehart’s charished dog Crumples died suddenly today.
No word from the Rinehart campaign regarding scandal. Press following the campaign note that his wife and kids have been off the campaign trail over the past week.
Breaking – Scandal
With less than a week to go before election. Rinehart’s housekeeper (at the time undocumented) reports they have child together. Asks for paternity test.
Final push
In a close race, the focus turns to turning out voters….
Rally Begins to Turn Angry
A rally outside of the hospital for the injured BLM activist Sharon Green is growing angry. Supporters argue that shooters hate is reflective of an ugly undercurrent in society.
Rifle used in shooting purchased legally at local superstore approximately 2 hours before shooting.
Ramey to appear in new super pac ad.
The woman shot was a BLM activist. The suspect, who is in police custody, is a known white supremacist and outspoken (on social media) Rinehart supporter. Another Rinehard supporter, identified as Amy Ramey, pursued the suspect and detained him until police could reach the scene. Ramey, a local teacher and concealed handgun license holder did not fire her gun, but held the suspect at gunpoint while others called police.